Work With Me
Anchor Your Energy
Enter this container to be seen and integrate your own experiences, upgrades, and knowing. When you sit with another who has been into the depths, you anchor the frequencies and knowing you have unlocked.
This is ideal for you if you are trying to make sense of your personal growth and awakening.
Offered in 60 minute sessions for $111
Channeled Soul Guidance
For when you need a little more guidance from your highest self. Come with questions or topics that want to be explored.
This is ideal for you if you are looking for channeled information about specific areas in your life.
Offered in 30 minute sessions for $77
Transformational Awakening Mentorship
Are you ready to embark on a journey of awakening? This container is one of deep transformation and awakening. The ongoing support allows for growth in many areas of your life and practical tools to bring the awakened state into your relationships and daily interactions.
Initial 90-minutes session
3 Channeled Healing & Coaching Calls per month
Access to Dmitria via messaging for adhoc questions during the entire container
$333 per month
Risk-free! You can cancel at anytime with no future payments required by emailing in advance of the next payment.